5 Reasons HubSpot Will Make Web Design Easy for You

Web design is the creation of a digital environment that will facilitate and encourage human activity, reflect or adapt to individual voices and content, and adapt seamlessly over time while retaining their brand identity.

At Ascend, not only do we value high quality visuals and aesthetics, but we also put a lot of effort into creating an ideal user experience. So, how do we do this?

Well… the answer is simple really. We use HubSpot’s Content Management System (CMS) and customize it to fit your needs to achieve your goals and get you on the path to steady growth. Let us give you five reasons why HubSpot makes web design an easier task for you:
1. Seamless Design

By the year 2020, according to Statista, there will be approximately 211 million users accessing search services on their mobile devices. With that being said, it’s important for your website to be able to seamlessly transition between a computer and a mobile device. Sweor stated that 57% of internet users said they would not recommend a business with a poorly designed website on mobile!
But... Can you blame ‘em? We are a society on-the-go.
Therefore, to provide your user the best experience from the get-go, HubSpot’s CMS platform allows your site to seamlessly transition between devices without having to break your head and the bank.
2. Personalization

Human connection is wired into our DNA just as the need for food, water, and warmth.
Just because you are communicating with visitors via online platforms hundreds at a time, it doesn’t mean that you must be cold and formal with them. You can still connect with your users and build a genuine relationship with them.
By using HubSpot, you can treat your visitors differently based on their interests and previous actions. This is really a helpful feature because no two visitors are alike, and therefore, must not be treated the same way either.
3. High-Performing SEO

According to the SEO Tribunal, a whopping 67,000 searches are performed on Google every second. Therefore, it is essential for you to build solid SEO for your website.
But how do you know if you’re doing it right?
Well… if you’re using HubSpot’s CMS platform, HubSpot’s built-in SEO tools make it easy to do SEO right. You don’t have a meta description? You’re not using enough keywords? Don’t fret – HubSpot will let you know so that your pages are perfectly optimized.
4. Thinking about The Future

The only thing that is certain about the future is that there will be change. What type of change? Who knows? One thing’s for sure though: don’t let the future catch you off-guard.
If you decide to make changes to your website in the future, or you had a change of heart and would like to move to a different system, don’t worry, HubSpot is prepared for the unexpected, you can export all of your content in a matter of minutes.
How awesome is that?!

Click here if you want to see how to export your content from HubSpot.
5. One System for All

If you have ever seen an episode of Tidying Up with Marie Kondo on Netflix, you’re probably aware of the rising Japanese trend of minimalism and simplicity being the ideal way to live life.
Therefore, it should be no surprise to anyone that the same trend has transcended into our digital life. Smartphones have made life extremely easy by putting everything conveniently in one device, while incorporating the Cloud to backup our data and allow us to access it on other devices.
Well… HubSpot does the same for marketers. HubSpot allows marketers to create, promote, and measure all in on location.
Now isn’t that thoughtful?

Interested in making HubSpot a part of your web design experience, contact us, to ask questions and get more information.